Replacing ssh-copy-id on Windows

Save a few keystrokes on occasion

Posted by David Van Loon on January 28, 2019

The ssh-copy-id command is useful for configuring a server to allow authentication with a given set of SSH keys. Read more on the command here.

Windows comes with a built-in SSH client. It’s an optional feature, however, so it must be enabled before use. One missing component is ssh-copy-id. Many options exist that replicate its behavior, but I wanted something very simple that I could stash in my PowerShell profile.

Here’s what I created:

# Basic replacement for ssh-copy-id
function ssh-copy-id {
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
# Connection details
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
# Identity file
# Enable verbose output
$v = $false
try {
# Check to see if an identity file was provided
if ("" -eq $i) {
# No identity file; test ssh-agent output
$agentOutput = ssh-add -L
if ($null -eq $agentOutput) {
# If no SSH agent output, use the default identity file
if ($v) {
"Using identity file ~/.ssh/" | Write-Host
$identity = Get-Content "~/.ssh/" -ErrorAction Stop
else {
# Use the output from the SSH agent
if ($v) {
"Using output from ssh-agent" | Write-Host
$identity = $agentOutput
else {
# Use the provided identity file
# Use the public key file if not specified
if (!$i.EndsWith(".pub")) {
$i = "$"
if ($v) {
"Using identity file $i" | Write-Host
$identity = Get-Content $i -ErrorAction Stop
# Append the identity information to the end of the authorized_keys file.
# Note that this requires the ~/.ssh directory to exist
$identity | ssh $Connection "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
# Check to see if the operation was successful
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "Failed to copy identity to host."
"Copied identity to $Connection" | Write-Host
catch {
"Could not copy ID." | Write-Error
"Failed item: ${$_.Exception.ItemName}"
"Exception: ${$_.Exception.Message}"
view raw ssh-copy-id.ps1 hosted with ❤ by GitHub


To copy default credentials, either from the SSH agent or from ~/.ssh/, run:

ssh-copy-id user@host

To specify the identity file to copy, run:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@host

This fulfills the main functionality of ssh-copy-id, but it doesn’t handle most error cases or any extended options. As such, it’s not intended to replace the original tool, but instead to simply provide a shortcut for Windows users of the built-in SSH client.

For the best SSH functionality on Windows, I recommend using the SSH tools available in the Windows Subsystem for Linux.